Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm a Mom!

Yes, yet a new blog. In which I hope I don't have to set private, since I think I have a lot to share with the world. In which I hope would reach out to whoever in need of reading it. Why set up a new blog you would ask? Because I think the whole experience of being a mother is so priceless that it deserve a right to be written, and to be shared with other moms, as well as all moms-to-be out there.. (and in case my children need help in reminding how challenging it is to bring them to this world. ehem.)

Alright. Enuff intro. It's time for me to be me! Yay! A new mom at that. Not quite a hot one though. More like messy-I-dont-know-how-the-other-moms-do-it kinda mom. I mean seriously, how do you guys make it look so easy?! It's not!! First of all, I haven't got back to my old size (still another 8kg to go!), so I can't fit into my old clothes and have to get new ones (ok, there's a yay! there). And then having to breastfeed really made you scrutinize your wardrobe into choosing which can be worn and which can't (in which almost 80% can't be worn). and then the whole sleepless nights thingy. Aiyohhhhh....

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm happy to be blessed with such an adorable baby boy. It's just that I don't know how to adjust to this new role. and how the heck do you manage to look good while doing it?! Look at me for an instance. I don't even have time to take my bath sometimes what's with the baby keep on bawling if I don't carry him around, not mentioning to dress up prettily since I keep thinking, 'whats the point? I would end up with the baby's puke anyway'. Which is so not good right? I mean, I'm still young *cough*, I should at least look youthful right? But noooooo... I sooo looked like 'mak-mak' now. Gosh, how did I end up here? Especially since I promised myself I won't get there. Well I guess it's easier said than done huh? 

It has been two and a half month since I delivered a healthy baby boy. And somehow it seemed ages ago. Some would say I'm still new at this and should give myself a break. But I feel like I should have been in control by now. and I'm soooo not! Heck, being a virgo is so tough sometimes! (they say virgos are the worst self-critique). So tell me people, how long does it take for you to be in control? Am I doing ok so far? coz sometimes I still have doubts about my skills and knowledge as a mother. I mean, how am I supposed to know that I'm supposed to clean the baby's ears, and nose and etcetera. Man, maybe I should get one of those 'how to be a mother for dummies' book. Coz I sure need one.

At this trying time we thank God for mothers. Coz if it weren't for my mother, I would have no idea how to be a mom myself. And only then we'll realized what an inspiration our mother was, having to raise us gracefully, without falling apart. So this is a shout out to all mothers: Thank you Mum! You're an inspiration! (psstt, how did you do it?!)

P/s: I have no idea why I'm writing in English, since the name of the blog is in Malay. Hoh krisis identiti betul aku ni. Dahlah bahasa inggeris berterabur.. Haihhhhhh~~ Ok ok next entry in Malay ok?

1 comment:

  1. haha..nia..keep-up a good job there...bila la dapat joint group 'mak-mak' ni..hehe..may Allah bless u and ur family...
